Special Appeal to the Public - Who Is Dr. Gloves? // 104


In the mid-to-late 2010’s an individual operating under the pseudonym “master” allegedly began uploading several disturbing original photographs to various online gore forums on 4-Chan and Death Addict depicting the mutilation of deceased pre-term fetuses and infants. This user also shared several photographs depicting the horrific taunting and physical abuse of several medically compromised and vulnerable children in a contemporary U.S. hospital setting. The original content was so disturbing - that users quickly dubbed the original poster as Dr. Gloves - a reflection of his unusual choice of attire. A hazmat coverall splash suit, elbow length surgical gloves, and a black leather BDSM bondage mask… Can you help solve a nearly decade long mystery? 

WARNING:  This episode deals with extremely detailed depictions of violence, abuse, and exploitation of children, and includes optional access to an active online investigative website which includes heavily redacted photographs of these criminal offenses. Extreme listener and viewer discretion is advised.  

Written and Executive Produced by Michael Ojibway. 

Visit www.WhoIsDrGloves.com to view the redacted image series, or to submit a tip. If you have information central to this investigation and believe criminal activity is currently taking place, or that children or other victims may be at immediate risk of further abuse or exploitation - please contact the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Police directly at 909-383-5311, and ask for Detective Madrigal (Reference Case SBPD 2022-131974).

Music & Sound Effect Sources

  • Opening Track: “Qubit” by Ethan Sloan

  • Closing Track: “And Then” by Jon Bjork

Music & Sound Effect Sources

All music and sound effects used with express permission under unlimited blanket license authority from Epidemic Sound ® and SoundStripe ®.  Individual sources are available via request at info@invisiblechoir.com